How to Craft Arrows in Far Cry Primal

How to Craft Arrows in Far Cry Primal

Crafting Arrows in Far Cry Primal

Arrows are a key component of Far Cry Primal, allowing you to take down enemies from a distance and complete objectives with ease. Crafting arrows is an important part of the game, as it allows you to customize your arrows to fit your playstyle. In this guide, we’ll go over the basics of crafting arrows in Far Cry Primal.

Crafting Materials

Before you can craft arrows, you’ll need to gather the necessary materials. The main materials you’ll need are wood and stone. Wood can be found by chopping down trees, while stone can be gathered from rocks. You can also find feathers from birds and animal hides from hunting.

Crafting Arrows

Once you’ve gathered the necessary materials, you can craft arrows by opening the crafting menu. You’ll need to select the “Arrows” tab, then select the type of arrow you want to craft. You can craft basic arrows, fire arrows, and poison arrows. Each type requires different materials, so make sure you have the right materials before crafting.

Upgrading Arrows

Once you’ve crafted arrows, you can upgrade them to make them more powerful. To upgrade arrows, you’ll need to open the crafting menu and select the “Upgrades” tab. You can upgrade arrows with feathers, animal hides, and other materials to increase their damage and accuracy.

Tips and Tricks

  • Always make sure you have enough materials before crafting arrows.
  • Upgrade your arrows as often as possible to make them more powerful.
  • Fire arrows are great for taking down enemies from a distance.
  • Poison arrows are great for taking down animals quickly.
  • Use arrows to complete objectives quickly and easily.


Crafting arrows is an important part of Far Cry Primal, allowing you to take down enemies from a distance and complete objectives quickly and easily. With the right materials and upgrades, you can customize your arrows to fit your playstyle. Follow this guide to learn the basics of crafting arrows in Far Cry Primal.

Rob Nash
Rob Nash

Rob Nash is a tech writer with a comprehensive focus on technology, productivity, and overall success in life and business.

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