How to get Ballistics Log in Destiny 2

How to get Ballistics Log in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is a popular online shooter game developed by Bungie for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. The game features a variety of weapons, armor, and items, as well as a range of activities for players to complete. One of the most sought after items in the game is the Ballistics Log, which is a rare item that can be used to increase the power of weapons. In this guide, we’ll explain how to get a Ballistics Log in Destiny 2.

Step 1: Play the Crucible

The Ballistics Log can be obtained by playing the Crucible, the game’s competitive multiplayer mode. The Crucible features a variety of game modes, such as Control, Clash, and Supremacy, and playing any of these modes can yield a Ballistics Log. The Crucible also has daily and weekly challenges that reward players with a Ballistics Log upon completion.

Step 2: Complete Bounties

Another way to get a Ballistics Log is to complete bounties. Bounties are special tasks that can be obtained from NPCs in the game world, such as Zavala, Shaxx, and the Drifter. Completing bounties can reward players with a Ballistics Log, as well as other rewards such as Glimmer and experience points.

Step 3: Play Gambit

Gambit is a special game mode that pits two teams of four players against each other in a race to collect motes and defeat powerful enemies. Playing Gambit can reward players with a Ballistics Log, as well as other rewards such as Glimmer and experience points.

Step 4: Complete Raids

Raids are special endgame activities that require a team of six players to complete. Completing a raid can reward players with a Ballistics Log, as well as other rewards such as Glimmer and experience points.

Step 5: Purchase from Xur

Xur is a special NPC that appears in the game world every weekend. Xur sells a variety of exotic items, including a Ballistics Log, for a set amount of Glimmer. Purchasing a Ballistics Log from Xur is an expensive but reliable way to get one.

Step 6: Trade with Other Players

Players can also trade with each other to get a Ballistics Log. Trading with other players can be done through the game’s in-game chat system or through third-party websites. Players can offer Glimmer, items, or other rewards in exchange for a Ballistics Log.


Getting a Ballistics Log in Destiny 2 is not easy, but it can be done with patience and dedication. Playing the Crucible, completing bounties, playing Gambit, completing raids, purchasing from Xur, and trading with other players are all viable ways to get a Ballistics Log. With the right approach, any player can get a Ballistics Log in Destiny 2.

Rob Nash
Rob Nash

Rob Nash is a tech writer with a comprehensive focus on technology, productivity, and overall success in life and business.

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