Julia Fox Net Worth, Height, Family, Age, Weight

Julia Fox Net Worth, Height, Family, Age, Weight

Are you curious about Julia Fox’s net worth, height, family, age, and weight? Look no further!

In this article, we’ll delve into the life and career of this talented individual. With an unconventional upbringing in Milan and later moving to New York City, Julia’s success knows no bounds.

From being a clothing designer to a renowned model and author, she has made her mark in the film industry.

Stay tuned to discover more about this extraordinary person!

Julia Fox Biography

Julia Fox’s journey in the entertainment industry began when she embarked on a career as a clothing designer with her line Franziska Fox. Her passion for fashion led her to create unique and edgy designs that caught the attention of many.

Alongside her fashion career, Julia Fox’s relationship history has also been a topic of interest. She married Peter Artemiev in November 2018, but unfortunately, their marriage ended in divorce in July 2020.

Julia’s personal life took a turn when she became a mother in January 2021, an experience that was followed by postpartum depression. In 2022, she briefly dated rapper Kanye West, making headlines once again.

Despite the ups and downs in her personal life, Julia Fox continues to make a name for herself in the entertainment industry with her talent and determination.

Julia Fox Net Worth

Moving on to Julia Fox’s net worth, it’s important to note that her financial success is a testament to her diverse career and entrepreneurial ventures. With her impressive career achievements, Julia Fox has managed to build a substantial net worth. Although the exact figure isn’t disclosed, it’s estimated to be between $6.5 million and $90 million.

Apart from her acting and modeling careers, Fox has also showcased her creativity and entrepreneurial spirit through her clothing line, Franziska Fox, and her photography books. Her net worth reflects not only her professional success but also her lifestyle and hobbies.

Fox’s entrepreneurial ventures and dedication to her craft have undoubtedly contributed to her financial prosperity, allowing her to enjoy a comfortable and fulfilling life.

Julia Fox Body Measurements

To discuss Julia Fox’s body measurements, let’s take a closer look at her physical attributes.

Julia stands at a height of 5 feet 7 inches and weighs around 50 KG. Her body measurements are reported to be 34 inches. She’s beautiful brown eyes, black hair, and fair skin.

While her hip size, waist size, shoe size, and dress size are currently under review, her overall appearance exudes confidence and style.

In addition to her physical attributes, Julia Fox is known for her unique fashion sense, which showcases her bold and eclectic taste. She often experiments with different styles and incorporates a mix of high-end designer pieces and vintage finds. Julia’s fashion style reflects her artistic and creative personality.

Along with her fashion choices, Julia also maintains her physique through her workout routine, although specific details about her fitness regimen aren’t widely known.

Julia Fox Education

You may be wondering about Julia Fox’s educational background and where she pursued her studies. Unfortunately, specific details about Julia Fox’s education are unknown. While her career achievements and personal struggles and triumphs have been widely discussed, information regarding her educational qualification, the school, college, or university she attended remains undisclosed.

However, despite the lack of information on her education, Julia Fox has made significant strides in her career. From starting as a clothing designer and modeling for renowned brands to publishing photography books and making her feature film debut in ‘Uncut Gems,’ she’s proven her talent and versatility.

Julia Fox’s personal journey, including her struggles with postpartum depression and her battles with OCD and ADHD, further highlight her resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

Julia Fox Family & Relatives

Julia Fox’s family and relatives play a significant role in her life and career. Born in Milan, Italy, she was raised by her grandfather in Milan until the age of six. Then, she moved to New York City with her father.

Her upbringing in both Milan and New York City shaped her experiences and influenced her artistic pursuits. Although specific details about her family aren’t widely known, it’s evident that they’ve been a source of support and inspiration for Julia.

Her close relationship with her family has likely played a crucial role in her personal and professional development. Through their love and guidance, Julia Fox has been able to navigate the challenges of life and achieve success in her endeavors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Julia Fox’s Favorite Movie?

Julia Fox’s favorite movie is Uncut Gems, in which she made her feature film debut. It received critical acclaim and earned her a Gotham Awards nomination. Her favorite book is unknown.

Does Julia Fox Have Any Siblings?

You’re wondering about Julia Fox’s relationship with her siblings and her childhood memories with them. Unfortunately, there is no information available about Julia Fox’s siblings or her childhood memories with them.

What Is Julia Fox’s Favorite Color?

Julia Fox’s favorite color is a personal preference that hasn’t been publicly disclosed. However, when it comes to her fashion style, she is known for her edgy and unique sense of style. As for her favorite vacation destination, it is also unknown.

What Is Julia Fox’s Favorite Food?

Julia Fox’s favorite food and cooking style are currently unknown. However, she has showcased her talent as a clothing designer, model, and actress. Her career achievements and personal life have garnered attention and admiration.

Does Julia Fox Have Any Pets?

Julia Fox’s favorite type of pet and her experience with pet ownership are unknown. However, she has not mentioned having any pets in interviews or on social media.


In conclusion, Julia Fox has had a remarkable career in the fashion industry. She has modeled for top brands and established herself as a talented clothing designer and author.

Her film debut in ‘Uncut Gems’ further solidified her talent and earned her recognition in the industry.

Despite facing personal challenges, Julia remains resilient and open about her struggles. She inspires others with her honesty.

With a significant net worth, Julia’s success and accomplishments continue to grow.

Michael Glover
Michael Glover
Articles: 152