How to Change Your Flipkart Delivery Date After Placing an Order

Want to change the delivery date for your Flipkart order? Don't worry, it's easy!

In this article, we'll show you how to change your delivery date after placing an order. Just follow these simple steps and you'll have your package delivered on a more convenient day.

  1. Access your Flipkart account.
  2. Locate your order details.
  3. Click on 'change delivery date'.
  4. Select a new date.
  5. Confirm the change.
  6. Receive confirmation.

Let's get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Log in to your Flipkart account and go to the 'My Orders' section to locate your order details.
  • Click on the 'Change Delivery Date' option to modify the scheduled delivery date.
  • Use the calendar provided by Flipkart to select a new date for the delivery.
  • Confirm the changes by clicking on 'Reschedule Delivery' and seek customer support if needed.

Access Your Flipkart Account

To access your Flipkart account, simply log in using your registered email and password.

Once logged in, you can easily manage multiple accounts within the same platform. Flipkart understands that users may have multiple accounts for various reasons, such as separate accounts for personal and business use.

Managing multiple accounts is made simple with Flipkart's user-friendly interface, allowing you to switch between accounts seamlessly.

However, if you encounter any login issues, Flipkart has a dedicated team to assist you. Troubleshooting common login issues, such as forgotten passwords or account lockouts, is a priority for Flipkart's customer support. They're available 24/7 to guide you through the necessary steps to regain access to your account.

With Flipkart, managing multiple accounts and resolving login issues has never been easier.

Locate Your Order Details

Check out the steps below to find your order details on Flipkart.

To locate your order details, log in to your Flipkart account and click on the 'My Orders' section. Here, you'll find a list of all your current and past orders.

Look for the specific order for which you want to change the delivery date. Click on that order to view the order details. You'll find information such as the order number, delivery address, payment method, and expected delivery date.

Additionally, you can also track the delivery of your order by clicking on the 'Track Order' button.

If you wish to cancel your order, make sure to review Flipkart's cancellation policy for the specific order to understand the terms and conditions.

Click on 'Change Delivery Date

To change the delivery date of your Flipkart order, simply click on the 'Change Delivery Date' option. Once you have located your order details, you'll see this option next to the scheduled delivery date. By clicking on it, you can easily modify the delivery time to a more convenient day.

This feature is especially useful if your plans have changed or if you won't be available to receive the package on the originally scheduled date. When you click on 'Change Delivery Date', you'll be presented with a calendar where you can select a new date for the delivery. After choosing the desired date, click on 'Reschedule Delivery' to confirm the changes.

It's a quick and hassle-free way to adjust your delivery according to your needs.

Select a New Delivery Date

Once you have clicked on 'Change Delivery Date' in your Flipkart order details, you can now select a new date for your delivery.

To reschedule your delivery, simply choose a different date from the available options. Flipkart provides you with a calendar where you can navigate to the desired date.

Once you have found the new date, click on it to select it as your new delivery date. Make sure to review your selection before proceeding.

If you change your mind or need to modify the delivery date again, you can repeat this process and select a different date. Remember that the availability of delivery dates may vary depending on your location and the availability of the product.

Confirm the Date Change

To confirm the change of date for your Flipkart delivery, you need to proceed with the selected new delivery date.

Once you have chosen a different date for your delivery, you'll need to reschedule your delivery on the Flipkart website or app.

Simply log in to your Flipkart account and go to the Orders section.

Find the order for which you want to change the delivery date and click on the 'Reschedule Delivery' option.

A new window will open, allowing you to select a new date for your delivery.

After selecting the new date, click on the 'Confirm' button to finalize the changes.

If you encounter any issues during this process, you can seek customer support assistance for further guidance.

Receive Confirmation of the Date Change

Check your email or SMS for confirmation of the date change for your Flipkart delivery.

Once you request a change in your delivery date, Flipkart will send you a confirmation either via email or SMS. This confirmation is important as it ensures that your requested date change has been successfully processed.

There are various potential reasons for needing to change the delivery date, such as unexpected changes in your schedule or the need for someone to be present to receive the delivery.

To ensure a smooth delivery date change process, make sure to provide accurate contact information and keep an eye on your email or SMS notifications. It's also helpful to request the date change as soon as possible to give Flipkart enough time to make the necessary arrangements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Change the Delivery Date of My Flipkart Order Multiple Times?

You can change the delivery date of your Flipkart order multiple times. There may be various reasons for changing the delivery date, such as a change in your schedule or unavailability at the previous date.

How Long Do I Have to Change the Delivery Date After Placing an Order on Flipkart?

To cancel a Flipkart order after changing the delivery date, go to your account, find the order, and select "cancel." If the new delivery date isn't convenient, contact customer support for assistance.

Can I Change the Delivery Date of a Flipkart Order if It Has Already Been Dispatched?

You can change the delivery date of your Flipkart order even after it's dispatched. To do so, contact Flipkart customer support and explain the situation. They will assist you with changing the delivery address.

Is There a Limit to How Many Times I Can Change the Delivery Date of My Flipkart Order?

You can change the delivery date of your Flipkart order multiple times. There's no limit. If you need to change the delivery date, simply go to your account and update the information.

Will Changing the Delivery Date of My Flipkart Order Affect the Estimated Delivery Time?

Changing the delivery date of your Flipkart order may impact the estimated delivery time. It is possible that the seller may charge a fee or penalty for changing the delivery date.


Changing the delivery date of your Flipkart order is a quick and hassle-free process.

By accessing your Flipkart account, locating your order details, and clicking on 'Change Delivery Date', you can easily select a new delivery date.

After confirming the date change, you'll receive a confirmation of the updated delivery date.

Enjoy the convenience of having your order delivered on a date that suits you best.

Michael Glover
Michael Glover
Articles: 152